Aqua Borehole Solutions specializes in Borehole Drilling, Borehole Yield Testing, Borehole Pump and Tank Installations, Water Filtration, Municipal Backup Systems
Borehole Drilling
Many clients believe that Borehole Drilling is a service meant for commercial, industrial or municipal projects. When people think of Borehole Drilling, they usually think of big drills and other substantially sized pieces of equipment.
At Aqua Borehole Solutions, we have taken this section of residential / Domestic Borehole drilling into account.
When Drilling needs to take place and access is limited, a small and compacted drill rig can be considered. Meduim Sized drill rigs can also be considered as the drilling will be done in a lot more quicker time.
Having this machines enables us to provide borehole drilling to customers of all types. For domestic borehole projects, or for jobs that involve drilling in difficult terrain, we can utilize our smaller and more maneuverable rigs. For sites that requires a bit bigger machines, we can rely on our faster and a bit larger drilling rigs.
Aqua Boreholes will discuss all details with client in a no charge site visit.

Yield test (Pump Test)
Yield test involves a test to see the balance between the maximum amount of water that can be pumped out of the borehole and the amount of water that recharges back from the surrounding groundwater source.
There are several aspects that need to be taken into consideration when testing a borehole. There are two important rules that need to be kept in mind when determining the sustainable yield i.e.
The total abstraction from the borehole should be less than the natural groundwater recharge, secondly, a borehole should be pumped in such a manner that the water level never reaches the position of the main water strike (normally associated with a fracture). Should this happen, the yield will inevitably be affected, and the borehole will eventually dry up.
Recovery Test
In this test, recovering water levels are measured in the pumping borehole immediately after the yield test, when the pump is switched off. This recovery test is very useful in assessing the pumping effect and possible dewatering of the aquifers that may result due to the limited extent of an aquifer. Furthermore, the recovery test will indicate the level to which the aquifer is actually dewatered by measuring the residual drawdown after the borehole was allowed to recover.
Why Test?
Test pumping boreholes is normally carried out to meet two main objectives:
- To establish borehole potential.
- To estimate the sustainable yield and hydraulic performance of individual boreholes for water supplies.
The Yield test plays a crucial part in the complete borehole project as these results will help us determine the correct size pump and not to over pump the borehole.
Pump, Tank & Filtration Installations
Once the Borehole has been drilled, the yield test has been done and the Chemical quality report has returned from the Lab, the designing proses can start.
At aqua Boreholes we Size and speck the pumps according to the Borehole Delivery rate, client needs but also take in consideration that your electrical bill does not jump sky high. A qualified electrician & plumbing technician is always on site ensuring the electrical & plumbing connections are done to Standard. Once completed there will be no hassle signing off the electrical and plumbing installations.
There is a lot of aspects that need to be taken in consideration before a proper system can be designed.
What will it be used for? – Off the Grid / irrigation purposes
Where Will the system be placed?
Once all information is collected our highly trained Technicians will discuss and design the system to your needs.
In some cases, water filters need to be added to the system and depending on the water quality report we can ensure to install them at the right place and Speck them according to the water quality. Water Filtration is not a simple process and can go complete wrong if the incorrect Borehole water filtration is installed. Our Years of experience, Endless Scientific studies and a lot of water filtration courses has ensured us to give our clients the best possible System and aftersales service on the market!